Monday, May 4, 2009

i got alot accomplished today!! YAH~!

so i woke up early for the workshop this morning and it was very GOOD! very interesting alot of good info to use for my job search, i have one tomorrow morning too, icky!!!

then i went grocery shopping and came home and went for a walk to the boy park, i of course wore my flip flops that are not very comfy, whoops, but it was a good walk with God!!

then sara came over for a bit and we hung out, and then it was TWINS time! we beat detroit, woot woot!!! while that was going on, i watched DWTS, painted my toe nails, shaved, wow, i got a lot done!!! yah for me!

now i should get some sleep since i have to be up early tomorrow, YUCK!!! have a great week! :)

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