Wednesday, May 20, 2009

scrapbooking day!!

so i totally slept in FOREVER!!! my mom ended up calling me to wake me up, whoopsy! she was hoping that i'm not depressed, since depressed people sleep all the time, but for some reason my sleeping has just been HORRIBLE!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!

i basically chilled all afternoon, and cleaned up, since sara came over tonight to spend the night! i finally did the pile of dishes stacking up!!! haha!

well waiting for sara i watched the twinkies, finally away from New york, just to lose to chicago, who has been sucking worse than us! hopefully we do better tomorrow, joe did hit another homer, but our starter Scott Baker stunk, so hopefully whoever pitches tomorrow, is WONDERFUL!!

sara and i had fun scrapbooking, and she is sleeping right now, and when we needed a break we went to mcdonalds and got mcflurries!! YUMMY!

have a great rest of the week!!!

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