Tuesday, May 19, 2009

lazy day, whoops!!!

so instead of going to my support group, i slept in!! which was FABULOUS!!! i did absolutely nothing all day, and it was just relaxing! although i did make sure to do some more cleaning!!

sara came over since we both had something for each other! she gave me a schedule with joe mauer on it, and i gave her some funny scraps from my weekend of scrapbooking!!! haha!

i'm planning to go home for a bit tomorrow, and then having a sleepover with sara, since she has some days off from school, so YEAH!!!!!

the twins lost badly again, but we are now done with Yankee stadium!!! WOO HOO!!!! now it wasn't our bullpen that was bad, it was our starting pitcher, but now we play chicago, who've sucked lately, so thats good!!!!!

have a great week!

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