Saturday, May 23, 2009

I went BOWLING!! haha!

i had such a great day! I didn't really sleep last night, but sara came over when she got off work, and we went with jamie BOWLING!! it was so much fun! we did two games, the first i did a 79 and the second i did an 84! i rock! it was alot of fun, and they played the twinkies game, so we got to watch them DOMINATE!!!

then sara and i came back to my place and chilled out, we went for a walk which was nice since it was kinda later, and much cooler out!

then i packed up and am now at home chillin! i hung out with dad for a bit, but then he went to bed and now i've just been on the computer, since my laptop has been sucky!!

tomorrow jackie is going to be home, and she is bringing the Phantom, YAH!!! i am also hoping that us girls find me a job, and the boys if they wanna help before they leave!

i am just glad to be home. cannot wait to find the baby kitties tomorrow, i guess the momma cat hid them again, so i hope we find them, i love baby kitties!!!!! also the pool isn't open, but i will live! also going to pick me some lilacs! YAH!

well have a great weekend everyone! :)

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