Saturday, May 2, 2009


okay, so its his first game back and his first swing of the bat, and he hits a HOME RUN!!!!! what in the world, my man is AMAZING!!!!!

so my day was great, i didn't get to bed until 10:00, yes this morning, i of course started a book, wrong move, i know when i read a new book before bed, if its good, i won't put it down until its over, i have another one to read, but i am waiting for another day!!!

then, i of course, told sara i was still up, since she was headed to work, and she just laughed!!!! said she was wondering how my sleep schedule was going, not so good i reply, but now i'm wondering if there are any sleep clinics around here, that would like to test me?!?!?! is there good money in that?!?!?

i finally went to bed, after picking up another book, haha! i slept for about 6 hours, and then got ready to meet sara, we went to walmart and go tennis rackets, and then we were supposed to go to arbys, but it was almost game time, so i told sara to go without me, but she didn't, oh well!

we watched tons of coverage of joe, which was great, he is so cute, so great to see his cute face, and butt in the lineup, then he hits his homer, when he hit his homer, i practically fell out of my seat and jumped around, it was fun, and then he gets a double his next at bat!!! he's wonderful!

we were watching the game, and then decided to go get some food, so we did, and then came back and watched more of the game! it was fun!

then i did some scrapbooking, while we watched bride wars, not the best movie, but still good!! then we just hung out, we are planning to actually play tennis tomorrow, since we decided to watch the game today, i should've gotten tickets to the game today, DUH me!!! haha!

oh well, i am planning to hang with sara tomorrow, and then scrapbooking with lisa and melissa on sunday! WOOT WOOT!!!!

well have a great weekend! i now declare May 1st, JOE MAUER DAY, so HAPPY joe mauer day!! :)

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