Saturday, September 1, 2007

What a day!!! (Shaking head!)

Some of you might now that I had a HORRIBLE day today! It actually started with me not being able to sleep at like 3:00 in the morning, and I had plans to go out for breakfast with Suzie, so I got like 4 hours of sleep. Breakfast was fun though, but before we went in one of my favorite flip flops (if you know me, I LOVE FLIP FLOPS!) broke! I was so devasted!! I should've known then and there that the day would not be good.

After breakfast I actually had time to get ready for work, and work was fine when I got there. But I am working with a new hire and needless to say it didn't go very well. He is really nice and all, but he NEVER shows up on time, and he is supposed to be on his own next week, and I am just like, "Uh oh!" But we shall see!! There's also a problem with training him due to a language barrier, ahh!! Not fun!!

When I escaped for lunch, I discovered I forgot my lunch, so I thought I would go over to McDonalds and get a sandwich or something, well it took me FOREVER to get over there, and it's not far from work, and then a guy started honking at me, and I was not in the mood. I almost rolled down the window right there and said, "I can't go, you idiot! Do you see those things on the road, called CARS coming at me!! Hello?"

Well, I finally made it across to find that McDonalds was packed, and that there would be no way I would get a sandwich a back to work on time, so I remained super hungry all day. By this time everything was stacking up against me! Ahhh!! I just wanted to scream, so then I proceeded to back out, and a guy decided it would be funny to speed right by me, so I almost go into a accident. Yah, I was kinda mad! By this time I was close to tears and called my daddy. He was able to calm me down by saying he was having a sucky day at work too, and that my mom called earlier in tears about my brother not liking school! I actually laughed when I heard how badly of a day it was for the Sommers family!!!

I gathered my composure and made it through the rest of the day! I went to work out afterwards and that felt good, I worked out hard too, to throw my frustrations away!!!

Also the twins had a double header game today, and they lost the first one (in the afternoon, which was not a good time for me!) but they one the last one! Yah!!

So my day ended up being good, know I just don't want to go to work on Tuesday! Please pray for me! I am super tired, so I am going to go to bed! If I think of anything else to add to my bad day list, I will add it, trust me!!!

Love ya!

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