Saturday, October 27, 2007

Good last day at PCI! Sad, but good!

I jotted down some notes while I was at work for my last day at PCI, so here they are:

Woke up a little later than usual, but still go to work early. Got my bangs to look REALLY cute this morning! Got into traffic really well this morning, Good song on radio: Amazing Grace Version by Chris Tomlin, so that made me feel better. Last time parking in the lot, last time clocking in!! Not really sad yet, don't think its sunk in.

Emailed some buddies, saying basically what a sad day!! Started my meeting notes, last time I will ever do those! Kind of feeling nausecous, not sure how I am going to feel by end of day, if I will be crying or trying not to! Ernie just talked to me, asked if I was ready for my new job and all that, and then said we will talk later?!?! Not sure what that means!

I'm gonna go walk around and talk to some friends, it was fun! Hung out with Heidi and Corey! Couldn't find Vicki though, will have to talk to her later! :)

Was unplugging my radio, and I hit something on my computer, and then plugged it in wrong. Thought I lost all the sentimental stuff that I've been writing, but I still have it!! Yah! :)

Josh is over here bugging Robert, and it is kind of amusing!!!Doing some underwriting, and clearing more stuff from my desk! Looked at my first underwriting deal for the day for Quinn, and sent it to SH, some things NEVER change! :)

Corey just gave me a quiz to do about him, since I claimed to know him so well, and I failed, miserably!!!! It was pretty funny! :)

I sent out a group email just to say bye to everyone, and everyone was really nice!! Sent a personalized one to Josh, and he sent a nice one back!! Got an underwriting email from Josh, somethings really DON'T Change!! :)

How do you get in trouble on your last day, I think Ernie was joking, but he was all, "Do that on your break please!!" when Anne and I were looking online for ordering pizza! Kinda funny, I think so!! :)

Ernie sent around an email telling everyone it'll be a lot quieter around here without me, which was funny!!

Took a couple zips, and it was fun!!! One guy said that he hasn't talked to me in awhile, no idea who, thought that was kind of cool because he ended up being my last zip ever at PCI!!

This is getting ridiculous, Judy just kind of "yelled" at me because I told PCI that if they wanted any scrapbook stuff, to let me know, and she said I could get fired for that!!!

Lunch was REALLY fun and good! Only problem Anne had to answer the phones and we didn't eat together, but it was fun chatting with Andy Hoheisel!!

Corey tried to take the chair from out under me, but it didn't work, AGAIN, he tries a lot, and has never been successful!! YAH! Also Angie told him "That he took a ten, 17 minutes ago!"

Zac and Marta are sitting next to me, and I love them, I'm going to miss them! I just took a picture of Zac working with cute "oh" Mai in the background!!

Arnaldo just called Zac a "Mama's boy!" claiming he will never leave his mom's place! I'm gonna miss Arnaldo! :)

Of course the other bureaus went down! Of course, on my last day, when I'm working and I HATE THE OTHER BUREAUS! :)

Marta was humming "So Long, farewell, since that was the title of my "good bye" email!!"

I just said "bye" to the client liaisons: Heidi, Andy, and Corey! Still can't find Vicki!! I finally found Vicki!! YAH! :)

Started to say "Bye!" to people! Ernie gave me a hug good bye, which was kinda awkward. Scott told everyone there was a pot going for when I will be back. when Ernie asked him about it, he admited that it was just a joke, of course! Scott said he's going to miss the fun we had, which I think he was serious!!

Heidi came into work and then we went out to Perkins for supper together, Jessamyn was going to go, but her grandma just died, so I didn't push it!! Actually Heidi and I tried applebee's first, but it was so busy!

I still have some forms to return to PCI, so I will be back there on monday, probably, unless I go tomorrow!!

PCI has been SO MUCH FUN! I am going to miss everyone so much, but hopefully i meet others at Creative Memories!

Didn't do much else on Friday night, went to bed early, I know shocking, right Sara!!


Kind of an easy day, just taking it easy before I start my new job! Slept in, watched some skating and hung out. Then mom, dad, and I sat down and filled out ALL OF MY PAPERWORK for starting CM on monday, it TOO FOREVER, but it was fun too!!

Getting ready for bed!!


Church (nursery duty today, so gotta go early!)
Suzie is singing, yah, but I'm gonna miss it because of nursery!
I think mom is making me teach tomorrow morning because her voice is shot, so we shall see!

After church mom and I are going shopping for a new outfit for my first day, I'll let you know if we were successful or not! Not going to Vespers tomorrow night, since i have to work so early on Monday, and don't want to oversleep on my first day!

I feel like I am ready, not as nervous as I thought I would be, but that might change tomorrow night!! Will fill you guys in later!!! LOVE!!

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