Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I got a new job! I didn't want to jinx it or anything by saying it before they actually offered it. I am excited, but so scared, nervous, petrified, and every other nervousness word you can think of. I have been at PCI for the last 3 1/2 years, and will miss the people SO much. I thought it was hard telling my boss Ernie, but now telling everyone has been so sad!! I love the responses I've been getting, and it makes me feel good that people want me to stick around, but I really feel like I gave underwriting a chance (1 1/2 years!) but I just did not enjoy it. I keep telling my co-workers to come with me.

I feel good about the decision I've made, and actually I had to get drug tested this morning for Creative Memories, before going to work. I don't know how everything I go through something seems to go not well, but it ends up being funny. There were signs to not flush the toliet when done providing my sample, and what did I do?! That's right folks, I flushed that darn toliet!! I told the lady, and said "It was a habit!" but I think she was having a bad day and something like that might cause more trouble or something, oh well!!

I turned in my notice on Monday, so I have until next Friday, and some co-workers want to plan a going away party, but they always get so crazy and drunk, that I think I am going to say no, but I feel like crying sometimes because I am going to miss everyone, but I do hope that I make some friends at Creative Memories!! Please pray for me, I am very scared and could use the prayers and support! I will post more later, need to go to bed! Love ya!

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