Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Much better day today!

But it is SO sad because I am getting closer to my time at PCI ending! I did get a package of information from Creative Memories to fill out for benefits, and insurance and all that, so I am getting excited, but a little nervous!

Had fun today! Sat by Jessamyn, Abby and Roberto in the morning. And then Amber came in, so obviously she sat by me, and then little Zac too! Less drama today, so that was good!

Took some more pictures. Found out that Hrba (Heidi B!) got moved closer to me, just a few rows away, and she was like, "Why now, when you are leaving?" my thoughts EXACTLY!

I am going to miss everyone so much! Salvy, Zac, Heidi B, Heidi S, Mai (pronoucation Oh my!), Jessamyn, Marta, Mishay, big corey, little cory, Scott (a little bit!), Josh, Abby, Isabel, Arnaldo, Tim, Maria, Giovanni, Jason (He's HILARIOUS!), Sheena and her plant Bruce, who is just holding on for dear life, Liz, and everyone else! I told Tim today that it felt like a big "PCI family" and he said that it would suck around the holidays because there are so many of us, I just laughed!!

It's gonna be SO HARD to leave, but I (right now!) am feeling good about Creative Memories. the only real concern I have is that I have been answering the phone for the past 3 1/2 years by saying, "Preferred Credit, this is Kristin. How can I help you?" Now I am trying to program myself to say "Creative Memories!" Don't worry, I will fill you all in on Monday night, as to what happened!!

Bye! :)

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