Saturday, October 20, 2007

Good week of work: Week 1 since turning in my notice!!

Ahh, it's been a crazy week! I am sad, excited, nervous, and anything else you can think of regarding leaving PCI and going to creative memories.

I had such a good weekend.

On Friday I slept in, chatted and took a nap with momma, and then went to my friend Vicki's house, and that was really fun. Her daughter is SO cute!!

Then I worked my last weekend EVER, and it was fun! I sat by Marta and Cory, and we talked and hung out, and worked too!! Then I sat by Jessamyn and we talked and hung out! It's going to be so hard to leave everyone, but I am very glad to leave my underwriting, because it is so HORRIBLE!! I will be glad to be doing something different!

Well, I am tired, so I am going to go to bed!! LOVE!!

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