Monday, July 28, 2008

Beautiful day was had! Hooray!

Today was a great day! Which is crazy, especially because it was a monday! It was actually good calls, it went pretty quickly too. I also found out that I got the okay to volunteer for my churches VBS program, which is exciting, and my sister said she would take Lisa and I to a Twins game, and the Twins dominated today! plus the Olympics are coming up. I'm going shopping for my new place, which, despite being nervous about, I am excited too.

I hate when I get down about work and not so praiseworthy to God, and then when my day is good, I am SOOO praiseworthy towards God. Its something I'm working on and would appreciate your prayers.

I still have a lot going on, which is exciting! Lisa's b-day is soon, the Twins game, Pod scrapbooking, packing/moving in, Duluth trip, Thanksgiving trip, my b-day, Christmas, and the skating season is coming up soon! HOORAY! things are good.

Have a great night! :)

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