Saturday, January 12, 2008



I was not really excited for today because we had Custom Framing training, which actually went okay! I suppose we shall see how it goes on Monday, when we get those calls right away!!! AHHHH!!! I guess I got some studying to do! We trained for 5 hours, then I went to lunch, and then found out that it was slow all day, so they were letting people out early, so I got to leave at 8:00. I only took a few calls, because while I was waiting for it to be 8:00, the supervisors said I could start reviewing framing stuff.

Things are going well diet wise, but I still have the weekend, which is harder since I'm not busy with work! But I am excited about tomorrow!

Jackie will be home SUPER early, so hopefully she will take a little nap!! Then Suzie and I are taking the Rowland girls to the Skating place, which I am so excited about, it should be really fun! Then Suzie and I are coming back and watching High School musical, since she hasn't seen them, so we will start with 1, and then borrow 2 some other time since I don't have it!! I am SUPER excited, which is the theme of this post!!!

Then Sunday Suzie and I are going to go to her sunday school class, and then I will go home and chill and watch skating, and STUDY framing stuff!

(still listening to Hairspray! I thought I would be sick of it, but its still great!)

Have a great night everyone! :)

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