Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Good day, kinda!!

It was good, except for the working part!! :)

It started out great, I was kinda hurring, so I wouldn't be late, so I told Kev (who's been playing Mr. Mom lately, offering to "clean" if you can call shoving stuff into a corner, cleaning, and helping out while he looks for a job!) so I told him to make me a sandwich, and I didn't think he would, but he did! It was great!

Work was fun! It was actually slow, talk about backwards!!

Tomorrow my training group is going on a tour of the framing part of the warehouse, because we are going to be trained on framing on Friday, which I'm nervous about so you can definetly pray.

When I got to work, found out one of my co-workers is celebrating her one year anniversary, so our pod (me, lisa, andrea, and jill) went to Perkins afterward, and it was SO fun, and so nice to not have to worry about drinking or any of that! I don't think lisa drinks, Andrea's pregnant, and Jill does, which I don't mind, but it was nice that she didn't!

I also decided to really be serious about eating better, and thinking in moderation!!! I decided to keep a food journal, and if anyone has any good diet tips or anything let me know! JUST PRAY THOUGH! My mom and I are seriously deciding if we should do some kind of program, which I think would be cool, but so SCARY! I just need prayers, its time to do something! I feel good though, about my eating lately! I'm starved right now, but I am just going to go to bed, and I just brushed my teeth too!!! ha ha! :)

Well have a great night everyone, we are almost halfway through the week!!!

"and i'm (shaking hips!) Link!!!"

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm so in love with Zac Efron and Hairspray!! Okay, I'm done, night! :)

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