Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Good day!

Survived another day! My shoulder/back/neck feels a little better.Keep praying, and POSTING! Come on people, SERIOUSLY! I've been writing like EVERY day! Yes, I am yelling by using capital letters. But I love you guys!

I do like my job, and the people I work with are nice, so that helps! There is a really TALL, funny guy that works in the digital department and after it quiets down he comes over to talk to us, and he is so funny. His name is Nathan, and yesterday he come over to our pod, and collapsed on the floor because everyone he was talking to was driving him crazy. It was HILARIOUS. He said he probably shouldn't do that anymore because if he really does faint, we will be all, "Oh Nathan, very funny!"

Also it's just nice to talk to nice people. Although I am kind of a perfectionist in wanting to know the answer to all there questions, but I've only been there a month, so....

But yah, I love Christmas music, and it's on ALL THE TIME NOW! I love Christmas, and Rudolph Classic movie, with Hermey the elf. He's SO cute! If you haven't seen the movie before we are going to watch it sometime! I need to get some sleep! G'night! :)

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