Thursday, November 15, 2007

The weekend is ALMOST here! Yah!

I had a good day today! I could sleep for some reason last night, and with all of the time of controversies, I think I am just going to not go to Florida this coming year, which stinks, but I would rather go to Stars on Ice, but we shall see, dad is still working out some things.

Today was kind of bad at work, because what I sometimes have to do is take orders, and we go page by page on the order forms, and when the page totals don't match what the consultant has, then it takes FOREVER to figure out where either one of us went wrong, so one time I was SO off from the beginning, but the consultant was nice about it, and then another time I had a mean consultant go through some orders, and I always hate when someone says, "are you new?" I think I wanted this order to go well, because of the last one not going well, so I was like, "I have to be able to do orders, this is ridiculous!" Well, I got through it, but she was kind of snotty, and it totally makes a difference if you have someone nice helping you out, or someone who is being rude.

Then later on tonight I had a nice consultant call in to do an order, and this time I was ready. Of course, right away, I was like, "Oh great!" But she didn't have a lot of product and she was SUPER nice, no problems. Didn't even have to look at my cheat sheet, yah! Also it was nice and slow at work today, so I got a chance to breathe!

ALSO, there's more! I think one of my friends that I've grown up with, Erin, she just got married, well I told her I got a new job, and she said she has a friend who works there, and I think I sit next to her friend, and I think they went to the same Christian college together, so if this girl is a Christian, that would just be AMAZING! Praise the Lord!

What a good night though! I've been watching singalongs of mary poppins and Sound of Music, not sure why, but it's really fun!! YAH!

Well, I should really get going, and get some sleep! Pray for me to survive this week, YAH! How exciting! I think I am going to make it! G'night! :)

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